My Thoughts...
- Uniqueness makes things meaningful.
- I believe in the United States of America and to be an American citizen is a blessing.
- A Promise must be kept.
- The best way to return home after being outdoors is with dirt on my clothes and leaves in my hair.
- It's important to take care of the closest ones first.
- High-heels are all terrain shoes.
- God will judge people based on the opportunities they are given, which I find sort of scary because I have been very fortunate.
- I believe in letting people know they are appreciated and have value.
- Laughter should be an everyday occurrence.
Guilty Pleasures...
- Setting the silverware incorrectly to see who rearranges theirs.
- Talking to strangers in elevators... peoples reactions are funny (I have never understood the unwritten rule of silence in the elevator).
- People watching; the zoo is the best place for it. Maybe I have just been to too many but I find that people are more entertaining than the animals.
- Cracking open a mouth watering Cinnabon once everyone has boarded a plane.
- Aimlessly driving around when it rains to hit the puddles and hear the water slosh and spray.
- Jumping on the back of the grocery cart and riding it to my SUV, or in that general area depending on my aim.
- Hand Sanitizer...I hate germs!
- When there is not polite way to pass on gross food, I slip it onto a friends plate when no one is looking.